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Is My Heating Unit Going Bad?

Sometimes it’s not a matter of noticing things so much as it’s a matter of time. A unit passed a particular age is going to eventually cause problems or, if it starts to break, it will be too old to find reliable parts to fix easily or cheaply. Check the serial number on your unit, even if it’s been acting fine, and get an idea for when it might come time to start looking at a new unit for your home. It’s best to get ahead of your heating unit replacement needs rather than suddenly find yourself staring at an outdated and broken unit.

Slow Air Flow

The airflow for your unit should be steady and consistent. It doesn’t just slow down for no reason at all. If you notice a change in the airflow, in particular, the air is coming out slower, or not at all, this could be a sign that you’ve got a problem. Unfortunately, if you do notice this, you won’t be able to diagnose it on your own, so be sure to call a technician the second you notice the airflow is off so they can find out what’s going on.

Indoor Humidity

No matter what time of year it is, there shouldn’t be a build-up of humidity in your home. If the air feels stuffy or sticky or you’re noticing condensation build-up in some places, it’s a sign that there is a humidity problem with your HVAC unit. This can happen at any time of the year, though we most often associate humidity problems with summer. So, if you notice the air in your home has gotten thick or moist, you need to call an HVAC professional to have them take a look at your HVAC unit and determine if it requires repairs.

Thermostat Problems

One of the most common issues you’ll come across when it comes to your heating unit is thermostat malfunctions. If your thermostat says one thing but it feels like something different, that’s a sign something is wrong. It does not necessarily mean your aging HVAC unit is on its last leg. Thermostat inconsistencies can have a lot of different causes. That’s why calling a professional the second you notice it is important. A thermostat malfunction could be a sign that your heating unit is underperforming.

Bad Smells

Obviously, not every unwanted smell is a sign of something wrong with the heating unit. But, lingering smells that you can’t trace to the kitchen or garbage are likely coming from your air vents. This is especially true if you smell something burning. Older units can overheat and components can be damaged this way, so you may smell burning material inside your unit, which could be a normal smell of smoke or an even more unpleasant rotting smell. Either way, call a professional when you smell something odd and unexplainable in your house.

Call a Denver heating company if you think your heating unit is going bad.

5 Signs It’s Time to Call a Heating and Air Expert

When it comes to repairs and maintenance for home utilities like heating and air conditioning, no one wants to dish out tons of money. Unfortunately, waiting to get these items fixed can result in more investment later on. That’s why it’s important to be aware of issues that can occur with your household’s heating and air. Discover these top five signs that your heating and air conditioning in Denver needs the expertise of an HVAC expert.

Unusual Temperature Changes

Gradual or sudden temperature changes in your home could be a sign that your heating or air conditioning unit needs to be repaired. The issue could lie in the heat pump, cooling system, or thermostat, leading to changes in temperature throughout your home. These unusual temperature fluctuations can also lead to an increased energy or heating bill. Regardless of whether these issues happen gradually or occur overnight, it’s best to call a heating and air conditioning Denver professional.

Decreased Airflow

Most homeowners don’t realize that the air filters for their HVAC system need replacing every few months. If your systems haven’t been cleaned in a while, you may notice low airflow throughout your home. Dirty filters can also result in excess dust or a musty smell permeating through your space. Having dusty or dirty filters may also affect your allergies or cause other unwanted side effects.

Loud Sounds

Experiencing loud sounds like clanking, rattling, or other noises emitting from your HVAC system is a sure sign that it’s time to call in an expert. The reason for these types of sounds varies. Your system could simply be missing a component or a part could be loose, resulting in an easy fix. However, if your air conditioner or heating unit is seriously damaged, you’ll need to invest in a replacement system.

Increased Humidity Levels

Although humidity does often arise in the summer months, it shouldn’t be a serious problem indoors. Cooling units have built-in regulators that assist with indoor humidity control. If these regulators are no longer working, your system may need repairing or replaced. It might not seem like a big deal but indoor humidity regulation helps keep you more comfortable while deterring excess moisture and mold growth. Be sure to contact a heating and air conditioning professional right away.

An Aging System

Sometimes, a system is so old that it just needs replacing. If you moved into a home with a heating and air system over 10 ten years old, you will experience ongoing heating and cooling issues. Although some of these issues will result in a simple fix, others may cost a lot more. It may make more sense for you to completely replace your system if it is between twelve and fifteen years old rather than to keep replacing failing parts.

Heating and Air Conditioning Denver

If you’re experiencing these common signs for repair or replacement for your heating and cooling system, don’t wait to get a diagnosis from a professional. From furnace tune-ups to HVAC replacement, our team can help you find the best solution for your budget and lifestyle.

Should I Invest in a Hybrid Heat System?

What’s your plan to keep your family warm this winter? Although hybrid heating systems aren’t a frequent choice for Denver homeowners, these efficient heating and air conditioning systems are a great alternative to other system types. Sometimes known as dual fuel or heat pump systems, hybrid heat systems can help save you money thanks to their ability to heat and cool your home during the changing Denver seasons. Find out more about this versatile heating system and learn why you should start considering these Denver hybrid heat systems for your home.

About Denver Hybrid Heat Systems

Hybrid heating systems work in a different way than other heating systems. The system functions through an auxiliary combustion furnace that backs an air-source heat pump. This allows the versatile system to operate differently depending on the temperature level. For example, when a sudden winter storm hits, the combustion furnace will kick on when the system’s cold temperature threshold is met. This ensures your home stays cozy and warm throughout the cold season. You can program the switch to manually turn on at your preferred temperature threshold, which saves you the hassle of switching between air-source heat and combustion heat.

Similar to other hybrid materials, tools, or cars, hybrid heating systems come with the impressive benefit of long-term savings. One downside is that, because they’re made with unconventional parts, hybrid systems tend to have a higher upfront cost than other systems. However, hybrid systems can save homeowners up to 50 percent of home energy costs each year. Even with the initial cost, a hybrid heat system is a great investment that will pay for itself in a few years.

Why You Should Invest in a Hybrid Heat System

Here are just a few other benefits of a hybrid heat system

They’re efficient.

Hybrid heat systems are very efficient and will result in significant energy savings for your home. Not only will repair and utility costs are lower overall, but your new hybrid heating system will be more energy-efficient than a gas furnace or traditional forced-air system. This is because hybrid systems easily switch between using air-source heat and a combustion furnace when there is a sudden temperature change, eliminating the need for them to constantly generate their heat like other heating systems.

They’re versatile.

A hybrid heating system’s efficiency coincidentally makes it very versatile. This is great for the Denver climate, especially during “transition” seasons. Additionally, this system can both heat and cool your home year-round. The hybrid system’s heating pump can transfer heat from place to place, much like an air conditioner. It also includes a valve that reverses this process, allowing the refrigerant flow to cool your home in warmer months.

They’re better for the environment.

Hybrid systems are generally more environmentally friendly due to their ability to utilize either heating or cooling fuel sources depending on the temperature. You’ll use fewer natural resources because, unlike other heating systems, your hybrid system won’t be working as hard to warm or cool your home.

Whether you’re prepping your home for the winter or summer, reach out to our experts to learn more about HVAC options that will keep you comfortable all year round.

What is the Best HVAC Unit for My Home?

No matter the season, HVAC systems can keep your living space at a comfortable temperature. But not every HVAC system is a good fit for every home. What’s the best unit for you? To find the answer, you’ll need to consider the following:


If you select a HVAC unit that’s too small for your home, the system will need to work harder to regulate the temperature. The consequences of the mismatch may not be immediately apparent, but the unit will eventually experience breakdowns and excessive wear from overworking itself. In other words, it’ll have a shorter-than-average lifespan.

An HVAC that’s too big for your home can also be problematic. They may turn on and off too frequently, leading to excess noise, excess wear, and sudden temperature changes. An oversized system may also fail to dehumidify your living space. Lastly, you’ll be overpaying for the unit and its installation.

To determine the ideal HVAC size for a home, experts use a Manual J load calculation. Call an HVAC technician today for an evaluation.

Personal Preferences

Although size is perhaps the most important factor, here are a few other things to consider:

●  Do you need a unit that can cool the entire home?

If the answer is “no,” think about purchasing a ductless mini-split model. These are intended to regulate the temperature in a single room or space. As the name implies, these models forgo ductwork, which can save you money in the long run.

●  Do you want a single-stage or variable-speed system?

A single-stage system operates at a single speed. It’s the simplest and cheapest option upfront. Variable-speed systems have more than one speed setting, meaning they won’t operate at full power unless it’s absolutely necessary. They are more efficient and have a longer lifespan. Variable-speed systems also result in the most comfortable experience, as you won’t have to deal with sudden temperature changes or abrupt noises.

●  Do you want hybrid heating?

A hybrid system uses both natural gas and electricity as fuel. Although some Denver residents simply stick with a gas-fired furnace or electric heat pump throughout the winter, a hybrid system can be more efficient, saving you money over time.

●  Do you want any extra features?

Modern units have advanced features such as compatibility with smart thermostats. Don’t feel pressured to pick a system with all the latest bells and whistles. A system that fits within your budget and perfectly regulates the temperature is really all you need. If you want to be on the cutting-edge of HVAC tech, carefully research all your options before making an expensive purchase.

Judging Efficiency

When efficiency is your top priority, be sure to familiarize yourself with SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings. The yellow sticker will tell you what you need to know about a unit’s efficiency. The federal minimum rating is 14, but some units have a rating that exceeds 20z.

One final tip: Reach out to local HVAC contractors to find out what types of units they can install, maintain, and repair. To lower the overall cost, you’ll want to buy a unit that nearby technicians are familiar with. If your HVAC experiences problems, a local repairman can make repairs ASAP. Visit our website to learn more about the  best HVAC Denver options.

Tips for Troubleshooting my HVAC Unit

Not all HVAC woes require a pro to come out and offer an opinion and repair. Some items can be tackled by you, DIY style, though we do offer some guidance and education there. There’s a lot of common reasons you may be experiencing issues with your HVAC unit or system, and many of them can be tackled all by yourself, without the need to call out a pro or pay the labor costs. We love to offer you world class service, but we also want your HVAC system to be running as smoothly as possible, even when we’re not there.

Among the most common causes for troubleshooting and DIY HVAC fixes is the various parts of the system or unit that should be cleaned. Proper inspection throughout the year is one of the best moves you can make to save yourself time and money by preventing problems from coming up. Luckily, it’s fairly easy to fix units in need of a good cleaning and you avoid an even costlier fix later down the road.

Dealing with dirty filters

If you have an airflow malfunction, there’s a very good chance that the first place you should look for to find the culprit is the air filter. Air filters are designed to capture debris like dust particles out of the air to keep them from circulating and being breathed in by you. But, they don’t last forever; that dust has to go somewhere. So, you need to be vigilant about your air filters. A dirty air filter can cause more than just airflow problems, they can cause AC units to freeze and furnaces to overheat. They can become dangerous, which is why you should routinely monitor and replace them when they’ve become too dirty.

Cleaning the condenser coil

The condenser coil has the crucial job of cooling the liquid refrigerant in the system that keeps the air and machine cool. A condenser coil that’s dirty will fail as a method of heat transfer and cause the system to freeze up. It can even kill the compressor, causing even more problems. The good news is, they’re an easy clean. As long as the machine is turned off, you can easily hose down the condenser coil to clean off dirt and debris and get it working again. Be sure to routinely check it for cleaning needs.

Indoor coil maintenance

The evaporator coil is located inside your home and sits on top of your furnace or air handler system. It has the important job of capturing hot air from inside your home. If it gets dirty, it runs into a similar problem as the filter — air flow gets restricted. While this one is cleanable by you, it’s often hard to diagnose problems on your own and requires a set of professional eyes to get right. Having your furnace inspected regularly is one way to prevent this.

Give us a call to discuss your HVAC troubleshooting needs or have a professional head out to your home to help!