Air Conditioners Denver Residents Need
Technological improvements in every field seem to be advancing at the speed of light. The same is true for air conditioning systems. With summer temperatures upon us, it’s time to ensure your AC system is working at its full and peak capacity. If it is not, it may be time to take advantage of some of those advances in technology and replace rather than repair your air conditioning unit.
At Go Green Heating and Air, we can guide you through the process of replacing your AC system. Homeowners should consider several factors when determining whether to replace their AC unit rather than attempting a costly repair.
Age of the Air Conditioning System
The most important factor to consider when deciding whether to replace or repair your unit is the age of the system. The average lifespan for most HVAC units is ten years.
If the unit is above ten years old and the cost of the repair is significant, replacing the entire system is considered more cost-effective.
Advances have been made in the energy efficiency of HVAC units and if your unit is over ten years old, it will not be taking advantage of that increased energy efficiency.
Energy Efficiency Concerns
Perhaps your unit is just not as efficient as it once was. Maybe your energy bills are higher or your rooms are not cooling or remaining cool as they once were. A new system with the latest in energy-saving technology can rectify your energy inefficiency, saving you money on cooling bills in the process.
Some systems that are less than ten years old may still not be the most energy-efficient. Look for the energy efficiency rating on your mid-age units (5-9 years old). If you are struggling with energy efficiency, consider replacing your air conditioning system with a more energy-efficient model. Inconsistent room temperatures, as well as high levels of humidity, could be indications that your unit needs to be replaced due to inefficiency.
Check Your Unit’s Size
If your home is not cooling properly, it could be that your air conditioning system needs to be replaced with one that is more properly sized for your square footage. A licensed HVAC technician such as the experts at Go Green Heating and Air Conditioning can do a load calculation to determine if your current system is large enough to adequately and efficiently cool your home or business. For air conditioners Denver homeowners find are too small, replacing it with a larger, energy-efficient unit can save money on cooling costs as well as make your home more comfortable during the summer months.
Repeated Repairs
One of the most obvious signs that it’s time to replace your air conditioning system is if your system is constantly malfunctioning or you repeatedly experience the need for repairs. Rather than continuing to pour money into repairing an aging system, consider replacing it with a highly efficient, more advanced unit. While the initial outlay may be more than the repairs, the cost savings will appear in lower utility bills and less frequent repairs.
Need assistance selecting a new air conditioning system? Contact the professionals at Go Green Heating and Air, your source for air conditioners Denver trusts.