Important Facts to Know about Air Purification

You probably don’t give much thought to the air you breathe every day. It’s often something we take for granted but a lot more goes into the air you take in than just oxygen. This is especially true when you’re indoors and breathing in air that is subject to ventilation systems in need of repair, maintenance, and cleaning. But you need to monitor for air quality and keep an eye on what exactly it is polluting the air you breathe.

There are many different instruments you can use to monitor air quality and ensure it’s rectified if you find a problem. Many of these are easy to use and install and require just a consultation with a professional. Monitoring air quality is easy and affordable if you know the steps to take and the equipment to use to properly ensure the air quality of your home and the longevity of your respiratory health.

Air Cleaners

Air cleaners are a great option to ensure day-to-day quality and health in your air. The air inside your home can be as much as five times more polluted than the air outdoors. This is in large part because allergens and pollutants get trapped in a circulation cycle in your home and often get trapped on your soft surfaces. Getting them out on your own can be difficult, especially since the majority of pollutants are microscopic.

An air cleaner, like the many top models we provide, can be the difference you’re looking for in air quality. They attack the microscopic particles in your air as small as .1 microns or 1/1000th of a millimeter in size, something that would be otherwise impossible to detect and remove from the air. Even more important, airborne bacteria and viruses that can cause illness also can be handled by air cleaners.

Luckily, they’re easy to install with minimal ductwork fabrication to make room for the new unit. It’s generally a one-time, single payment process that can be finished quickly but depending on your system and requirements, as well as how many units you are using if you’re in a commercial space, it may cost more and take more visits from a professional to install.


The winters, especially in Colorado, can be incredibly dry. You may notice dry skin, chapped lips, or even nosebleeds. This can also cause the structure of your home and the hard surfaces to change shape as humidity levels fluctuate and they shrink and swell. Humidifiers can also act as air purifiers thanks to the higher heat level of humid air. Bacteria and viruses have been shown to die out more quickly in humid air and be harder to transmit.

Talk to a professional about the options for air purification in Denver for your home. There are many options for you, depending on your home needs. The solution for air purification in your home is out there, you just need to find it.