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What is the Difference Between AC and HVAC?

AC, HVAC–what does it all mean?

Any property owner or homeowner knows that, inevitably, there will come a time when they will need to call in certain specialists. HVAC specialists can be beneficial when it comes to keeping your home at a comfortable temperature and level of humidity, but the terms can be a little confusing if you aren’t familiar with the industry. In this article, we will explore the difference between these common acronyms.

Understanding These Common Industry Terms

Industry terms can tell us a lot about an industry, but most industry experts use easy acronyms to communicate. HVAC and AC are both common acronyms for the heating and cooling industry–and the difference might be easier to understand than you might think. Let’s break down these acronyms for some clarity.

What is HVAC?

HVAC is an acronym that stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. This term is used in a variety of ways, and it is certainly a more simplistic way to address heating and cooling services. People use this term because it is easier to remember, but it is more than just a series of words.


The term “HVAC” can be used applied to any service that is related to heating or cooling in your home. This is true because it pertains to HVAC systems, meaning the systems in your home that are responsible for heating or cooling. Your home’s heater and air conditioner are often fit into one simple system–the HVAC system.

What is AC?

AC, as you might be able to guess, stands for air conditioning. Air conditioning allows you to keep your home cool when you need to, and it is generally considered to be a pretty important feature in any property. Without it, you and your family could be subjected to painfully high temperatures that could even be dangerous in some circumstances. Air conditioning units are also responsible for removing moisture from the air.

How Do They Come Together?

HVAC and AC come together pretty easily because AC is a part of the acronym HVAC. However, it is important to understand that these terms are not completely interchangeable. HVAC as a term speaks to heating and ventilation, not just air conditioning, which means that there is more to consider. Though you will call an HVAC specialist to fix your air conditioning, you can also call them for a variety of other reasons.

The Takeaway

While HVAC and AC do fit together, each term is important in its own way. Our homes can be kept at a comfortable temperature because of powerful HVAC systems, and most people would agree that the air conditioning part of the system is very important. Whether your HVAC systems need a tuneup or you are looking to invest in a new system, your local Denver air conditioning team is happy to help keep your home at the right temperature!

How many BTUs does my air conditioner need?

When buying an air conditioner unit for your home, size matters. A too small unit will fail to fill the space and leave you sticky and uncomfortable in the summer heat. However, a unit that’s too powerful causes that cold and clammy feeling since it doesn’t regulate the humidity well enough.

In terms of size, an air conditioning unit is measured in BTUs. Learn more about what BTU is, how much BTU you need for your AC, and where to find the best heating and air conditioning in Denver.

What is BTU?

BTU stands for British Thermal Unit. It is a system of measurement that calculates the amount of heat able to increase a pound of water’s temperature by exactly one degree Fahrenheit. This amount of energy is about the same as lighting a match, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

The amount of BTU is then compared to the square footage in each room or for the entire home to determine the size of the unit. This helps determine the optimal amount of power and output for the space.

How much BTU per room

For window air conditioning units, the cooling capacity has a range of between 5,000 and 12,000 BTUs. Each room requires at least 20 BTUs per square foot. However, factors like ceiling height, window size, and the amount of entryways have an impact on power output.

You can find the square foot of a room by multiplying the width by the length and adding in any spaces that aren’t separated by walls or doors. There are a few other circumstances that you should make adjustments for when trying to find the BTU per room.

  • Reduce the BTU capacity by 10% if the room or home is heavily shaded.
  • Increase the BTU capacity by 10% if the room or home has more sun exposure.
  • Increase the BTU capacity by 600 per person if it is regularly occupied by more than one person.
  • Increase the BTU capacity by 4,000 if the unit is located in a kitchen.

Best AC per room

Based on your room’s square footage, consider the following:

For smaller rooms

Smaller rooms, including home offices, guest bedrooms, or nurseries, typically range between 100 and 300 square feet. You’ll need an air conditioner unit with a capacity of up to 6,500 BTUs for this space. Look for a unit with top ratings in noise quality and comfort levels.

For medium-sized rooms

This includes your typically-sized bedroom, a cozier living room, or an apartment unit sized between 250 and 400 square feet. Look for an air conditioner unit with a capacity of up to 8,500 BTUs that still provides decent noise levels.

For larger rooms

Large living rooms, dens, or kitchens require air conditioners with a lot more power. Choose AC units with a capacity of up to 12,500 BTUs. These larger units can fill an entire space easily and work well for open floor plans.

For more information on how to find the right amount of BTUs for your air conditioning unit, contact Go Green Heating and Air Conditioning.

How does a central air conditioner work?

Found in many homes across the U.S., central air conditioning keeps residences comfortable during the hottest months of the year. For Colorado homeowners, this is an essential tool used to stay cool for many of the sunny days found in the local climate.

Learning about how central air conditioners work can help you stay ahead of any issues that might arise so that you can avoid costly repairs. Keep reading to discover more about central air conditioning units and where to find Denver air conditioner repair if your system shuts down.

About Central AC

Using a central air conditioning unit is one of the best ways to cool down an entire home. These quiet units are virtually unnoticeable, unlike bulky window units. Plus, they have enough power to cool multiple floors and rooms. This helps free up window space while keeping your home at a comfortable temperature all summer long. Your central air conditioning unit will become such a staple of your day-to-day life, you’ll probably forget it even exists.

Central AC units can also be programmed with all the new technology. These smart AC units can pair to a phone app or other smart device so you can control it remotely. This can help you save money on your energy bills, since you adjust the settings from room to room. Keep air from flowing into unused areas or turn the thermostat off when you’re not home.

How it functions

Every central air conditioning unit features two primary functions occurring simultaneously both inside and outside your home.

Located inside the home, the cold side of the system cools warm indoor air with a cooling device. This device is a cold coil filled with refrigerant that absorbs the warmth from the air. The refrigerant then transforms from a liquid into a gas during this process before pushing the cooled air back into the space.

At the same time, the external hot side of the system is compressing the refrigerant gas before pushing into another coil. Heat from the indoor air is released outside while the refrigerant transforms from a gas back to a liquid. In tandem, the fan of the AC unit sucks in outside air through the coil so that no heat from the house is absorbed into it.

This results in a cycle of humidity and heat leaving the home by being removed from the air inside while cool air is being created and pushed in.

Let’s take a look at the step-by-step process of how this system works:

  1. Located in a central location of your home, the thermostat monitors the indoor air temperature. This control pad includes sensors that signal to the unit when the air temperature is meeting the cooling threshold.
  2. Once the unit is signaled, the indoor unit fan starts to pull in hot air through the air ducts. Any airborne particles like dust, lint, or pet dander are collected in the air filters.
  3. The warm filtered air travels over the cooling cool and the refrigerant inside the coil turns from a liquid to a gas. The refrigerant then absorbs the heat from the air.
  4. The cool air is blown back into the home by the indoor blower fan.
  5. The refrigerant gas travels outside into the outdoor compressor unit where it is pressurized and sent to the outdoor condenser coil.
  6. Outdoor air is pulled into the condenser coil by the outdoor unit fan so that it can absorb the excess heat energy from the indoor air.
  7. While this is happening, the refrigerant turns back into liquid form and travels back inside where the cycle continues.

Contact Go Green Heating and Air Conditioning for Denver AC repair, maintenance, and installation.

What are the different types of cooling systems?

Denver homeowners know how imperative a fully functioning cooling system is. With over 300 sunny days in Colorado, and summer temperatures reaching into the 90’s, these systems keep your home cool and comfortable. However, there are many different types of cooling systems to choose from.

If you’re having difficulty finding the best one for your space – look no further. Read on to discover all about cooling systems, their many benefits, and where to find Denver air conditioner repair and installation.

Cooling systems explained

Each cooling system features different methods of cooling and power levels. This determines how well each cooling system works in a space. We’ve outlined the most common types of cooling systems below so that you can choose the best one for your home.

Standard air conditioning units

Standard AC units are often used in homes and offices all over the world. These cooling systems are extremely versatile, so you can choose a size and power level that works for your space. Air conditioning units use a cooling process of refrigeration and ventilation. This means that hot hair gets turned into cool air through a refrigeration cycle within the unit.

The process can be performed using two different methods: exhaust tube and split type. A split type unit has two components located inside and outside the space, while exhaust tube units link to the outside using a special tubing and exhaust system.

Evaporative cooling systems

Unlike a standard AC unit, evaporative systems don’t use ventilation to move cool air into a space. Because of this, they are commonly found in windowless buildings like warehouses or office spaces. They are extremely versatile and are available in a range of sizes, making them perfect for a variety of environments. Evaporative coolers are also often utilized in dry climates. These systems transfer the surrounding hot air into the cooling area, evaporating the heat while pushing the cool air back into the space.

Cooling fans

These portable cooling systems can be a great option for homeowners looking for a cost-effective solution. Cooling fans have a range of power settings so you can feel the cooling effects in any sized room. These little units can even help mitigate allergy symptoms by purifying the air and removing dust particles.

Hybrid heating systems

Hybrid heating systems do more than just heat your home. They also provide effective cooling methods for all seasons. Hybrid heating systems use a combination of electric and fossil fuel heating methods, making them both energy-efficient and cost-effective. The heat pump pulls hot air into the unit and redistributes it into your home as either cool or hot air. Hybrid heating systems combine the best of both systems to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Where to find air conditioner installation

A knowledgeable Denver air conditioner repair and installation guide can help you find the best cooling system for your home. For more information on cooling system types, installation, or repair, contact Go Green Heating & Air Conditioning.

Who Invented the Air Conditioner?

The air conditioner is considered to be a household essential. Who was the mastermind behind this invention?

The air conditioner is a valued member of households around the world, offering cool and comfortable air that can make living inside much easier. These treasured devices are a standard in most modern home designs, leaving many of us wondering where these devices got their start. In this article, we will explore the history of the air conditioner and its creators.

A Brief History of the Air Conditioner

Having easy access to cool air during the summer months is a game-changer for modern homeowners—one that the generations that lived before its invention would have marveled at. Let’s discuss how this incredible device came to be.

Who Invented the Air Conditioner?

The air conditioner is said to have been invented by creator Willis Haviland Carrier. He was a talented engineer who is often attributed to the creation of the modern air conditioners that we know and love today. However, the first air conditioner concepts were actually introduced in China—and even Ben Franklin is said to have tried his hand at earlier designs without much success.

When Was the Air Conditioner Invented?

Willis Haviland Carrier introduced his modern design back in 1902—a design that would be adapted about thirty years later with some interesting improvements. In China, design efforts go back to the second century. Ben Franklin, on the other hand, created his experiences in the late 1750s, though it is unclear how long he continued to work on these designs.

How Has Air Conditioning Change Us?

In the same way that the world changed when we introduced indoor plumbing, air conditioning has also played a prominent role in our history. These devices can offer an exceptional degree of comfort, allowing us to stay cool on even the hottest summer days. Most of us can’t imagine a world without air conditioning, and it would certainly look quite a bit different.

Though air conditioning is considered a convenience, the reality is that it has several health benefits. Air conditioning can suck out moisture and cut down on mold, but above all else, it can keep people cool in areas that reach dangerously high temperatures. Being able to stay cool can realistically save lives, particularly for those who are suffering from medical conditions or facing extreme temperatures that are beyond what we would consider safe.

The Takeaway

It is clear that in Colorado, air conditioning is an essential. Our wild weather swings can have our homes changing temperature day and night, and you deserve the comfort of an air conditioner that works for you. To find out what your options are, check out your local Denver air conditioning options. Experts in the area can understand your needs better than anyone, and they can offer easy installation so you can upgrade your home. A little air conditioning in the summer can be the difference between comfort and discomfort, so make sure your air conditioning works before the temperature starts climbing!